Palm massage therapy segment in Kalari marma therapy - MAYOORAPANDHITHIRUMMU (Duration : 01:00:15)

Palm massage therapy segment in Kalari marma therapy - MAYOORAPANDHITHIRUMMU (Duration : 01:00:15)

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Mayoorapandhithirummu is helpful to perfectly maintain the equilibrium of front and back side of the body of a senior kalaripayattu student and is helpful for preventing stagnations of joints and nerves. It is also helpful to maintain and improve beauty and strength of shareera-angavadivukal or body alignment and postures and nourishes sourabhyavadivu and also to maintain balance and easiness while performing various postures and associated movements described in kalaripayattu. As a result of reduced stagnations in air passage routes and strong joints chances to have a wide catagory of diseases is neutralised and also reduces palpitations while performing even hard physical activities. The perfection of performing Mayooravadivu and associated movements is very important for a practitioner while performing angathari of kalaripayattu. But the people who had mild experience in angathari and started to train students may not even heard about mayoorapanthithirummu. This therapy is mostly provided for dedicated students who have practiced 6 payatukal of every weapons of angathari which may normally needs 12 years of systametic practice of kalaripayattu. This therapy segment is very helpful for such practitioners to remember and to maintain perfection in performance of each modules of kalaripayattu. Mayooravadivu is known as the backbone of ashtavadivukal of kalaripayattu which can be nourished to its perfection using mayoorapandhithirummu. The purpose of this video is to preserve this precious knowledge from extinction.

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