Yoga massage therapy segment in Kalari marma therapy - PADHAHASTHASANATHIRUMMU

Padhahsthasana is one among the primary asanas of kalariyoga which is used to be practiced  in traditional kalaris. Padhahasthasanathirummu is helpful to resolve the swellings formed during the early stages of practicing padhahasthasana. The practice of Padhahasthasana is helpful to protect the muscles and associated nerves of both sides of backbone, to maintain well sooryanadi and Chandranadi which are major nerves which emerges from brain and extends upto foot and also to preserve youthfulness. It is important to maintain pathya and routine by the practitioner for attaining maximum results while practicing each and every asanas of kalariyoga. There are more than 1200 various practices which are included in kalariyoga for a senior kalari practitioner to practice in his old age for maintaining and strengthening the basic structure of body.  These are also helpful for a person to live healthy and to survive upto the actual life span of a human being. Padhahsthasanathirummu is provided for a practitioner only if he has any sort of difficulties or issues while performing padhahasthasana. The massage therapy course duration may be 7 days, 14 days or 21 days which depends upon the body condition who are subjected to this therapy
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